Who We Are

Wezesha Women And Youth Initiative (WWAYI) is a nonprofit organization in Kenya that supports, empowers and advocates for women and youth. Traditionally, women and girls in our communities encounter a lot of barriers that limit their prospects. At WWAYI, our goal is to dismantle these barriers, provide education and vital resources, and cultivate a supportive, honest and open dialogue around mental and reproductive health, empowering Kenya's youth to lead healthy, fulfilling lives. With a steadfast commitment to promoting inclusivity, our initiatives are propelled by the pressing need to offer sustainable support, empowerment and education to women and youth throughout Kenyan society including:

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Vocational Education and Training: We provide financial assistance to adolescent girls who have had to leave school due to unplanned pregnancies, helping them resume their education, particularly those in vulnerable circumstances. By providing quality education and vocational training opportunities, we empower girls and women to develop essential skills to confidently pursue their goals and provide for their families.
Repro-Mental Program: Addressing the intertwined issues of mental and reproductive health, particularly among vulnerable populations in Kenya. Our Repro-Mental Program aims to bolster the overall health and resilience of young people by providing access to reproductive health information, reproductive health resources and access to comprehensive healthcare services. We strive to empower them to make informed decisions on mental, sexual, and reproductive health to lead healthier, autonomous and fulfilling lives. Hygiene Products and Menstrual Health: WWAYI also executes monthly forums in schools within our project areas and provide hygiene products including sanitary towels, underwear, moisturizer, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shaving kits, etc. This ensures that teenage girls stay in school, transition to higher levels of education, and improve their academic performance.
Kemi-Zola: We offer financial assistance for funeral expenses and provide therapy for families navigating the challenging journey of infant and pregnancy loss. Our aim is to provide a beacon of hope and comfort during their darkest times, offering support and solace as they navigate through grief and healing.

Nurturing Families Across Borders: Through our Global Family Connect (GPC) and Teen-Moms Hub program, we endeavor to cultivate connections and encourage mutual support among diverse groups facing unique challenges. Our goal is to address the specific needs of immigrant families and teenage mothers by providing tailored support and resources. Immigrant families often grapple with cultural disparities and limited support networks, leading to feelings of isolation. Similarly, teenage mothers in Kenya encounter challenges such as limited access to prenatal care, lack of parenting knowledge, and social stigma. Through interactive virtual sessions, supplemental resources, and a supportive online community, we aim to empower both immigrant families and teenage mothers to navigate their respective journeys with confidence.
Coming soon, our "Tech Mtaani" program aims to empower vulnerable groups in our community by bridging the technology gap. We'll provide essential digital literacy skills, including access to computers, internet connectivity, financial literacy, and exposure. This initiative directly targets communities where access to technology is limited. "Tech Mtaani" will enhance safety and security in an increasingly digital world by equipping these vulnerable groups with the necessary skills to protect against online threats and exploitation.
Wezesha Women And Youth Initiative (WWAYI)

Our Vision

WWAYI envisions a future where women and youth are empowered to realize their full potential. Our commitment is to advance access to education while addressing the intertwined issues surrounding mental and reproductive well-being. WWAYI aims to nurture an inclusive community that values the voices of women and youth.

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